I’m Gillian Church, an indie horror author who lives in New England.

I try to keep this website current, but I am most active on my Instagram account, @gilliwrites, so follow me there for breaking news (and a lot of other stuff). I also used to publish a monthly newsletter with anything noteworthy about my writing projects, so sign up if you’d like updates in your inbox and hope to do so again in the future.

Look around and you’ll find my oft-neglected blog, an archive of some of my free-to-read short fiction, and a short biography in case you’re dying to know how many pets I have.


August 2022
Connection Lost and Other Dark Tales
A three story bundle for Kindle
Unpublished, but these stories will appear in a future print collection.

May 2o23
“Eternity Under the Vinca”  (flash fiction)
Sirens Call eZine spring 2023 issue

June 2023
“That Blissful Darkness” (short story)
Horrorscope Vol. 2 anthology

Coming soon

Autumn 2024
Some Choose to Go
Limited-run chapbook

Late 2024
Minuscule Miseries
Short story collection


The platform that I had used for my newsletter was shut down, so stay tuned while I figure out what to replace it with. 



find me online




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